
guide to dental flossing

Mastering the Art of Flossing

A guide to Different Techniques for Optimal Oral Health

Flossing is a key component of maintaining your oral health, but there any many different ways and types of flossing. Here we are going to help you find which is the best type and technique for you, helping you master the art...

christmas teeth

Keeping your teeth clean this Christmas!

The holiday season is now here with Christmas and new year, bringing joy, warmth, and of course delicious and undeniable treats. However, it is still important that you try to make oral health a priority to ensure that you keep a bright and healthy smile. So, we are going to...

Dealing with Dental Anxiety

Dealing with Dental Anxiety when visiting the dentist

Scared of going to the dentist but need treatment? -

Dealing with Dental Anxiety when visiting the dentist is fairly common, and for some, the anxiety has progressed to full-blown Dental Phobia.

Here are 8 ways to help you come visit the dentist if you are a nervous patient.

1. You are...